Episode 14: Jungle Tiger with Trevor Ragan

Skills are built, not born! Learning is the ultimate skill. The sisters are joined by the brilliant, Trevor Ragan, founder of the Learning Lab, an educational website designed to unpack and share the science of learning and development. He spends his time with thought leaders and researchers from the worlds of psychology and developmental science, consumes their research, connects the dots, and shares it with anyone that will listen.

Growth Mindset

Belief (I think I can or I think I can’t) - Action (practice, working hard) - Growth (when we see progress and we get better at stuff) (BAG)

  1. Reflect - share two things you’re good at with the person next to you - give ourself credit for the growth and learning

  2. Learn new things

  3. Studying when we learn, we are building new pathways in our brain

Fixed Mindset

I’m not creative, I’m not this etc. 

Some things to try:

  • Anti-Talent Show - You can learn stuff - take 10 days to learn something and then perform it

  • Before you have a conversation with someone - run through the filter that this person is a learner

Megan Hughey